Care home fee planning

If you have assets over £23,000, then you will be expected to pay in full for your care and accommodation should you need to go into care. Based on current care home charges of between £25,000 and £50,000 per year, your estate will rapidly lose much of its value.
However, by careful planning, you may find you can avoid paying much of these fees. If your main asset is your home, and you are joint owners with your spouse or other person, you can create a special trust in your will which ensures on first death the value of their share is passed to the survivor for their lifetime, or only while they occupy the property. This share is held within a trust and will help ensure on the survivor's eventual death, the value of that asset can be passed to others (children for example).
Accentor Wills can give you the guidance, you need, to help protect your assets, and ensure your inheritance can be passed on. As the law favours those who take proper planning advice, a small extra fee can ensure that tens of thousands of pounds (or even hundreds of thousands!) can be saved and passed on.